The Truth of the Trinity

The Truth of the Trinity

Imagine you are on the streets and someone asks you, “Why do you believe in the Trinity?” This is a daunting question. A few weeks ago, several Abbey students went on a mission trip to Utah, and on that trip a Mormon student asked me that very question. My first reaction was to give her the Bible verses that support the doctrine of the Trinity, but then I realized that that was not the reason she was asking the question. Her point was that the Trinity is confusing and difficult to get one’s mind around -- Mormons often bring up the Trinity to try and poke a hole in Christianity. Instead of disagreeing, however, I agree with their point. The Trinity is true and the mystery surrounding it is evidence for its truth.

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An Unlikely Hero

An Unlikely Hero

Perhaps I shouldn't admit it, but I still think of certain works of literature as “girl books.”  I would never say such a thing about Jane Austen—a genius universal if there ever was one—but I have (intentionally) never read Anne of Green Gables or Little Women.  I like to announce, in mixed company, that I've never seen “Gone with the Wind” and then bask in the scandalized expressions. Which makes it all the stranger to confess that I love “Downton Abbey.”  When my wife raved about the six-season BBC series, my mind naturally dismissed it—I like football, not intrigues between valets and lady's maids.

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